Where is Away?
Where is the away we throw things to? Are we using the oceans as a junkyard?
Single use Plastic is really an amazing invention. Inexpensive, colorful, lightweight material that can
be fashioned into unlimited shapes and create moving parts. Unfortunately it is very toxic and persistant
in the environment. Less than one percent are biodegradable.
Millions of tons of plastics that have been thrown into the oveans are degrading ( breaking down into tiny parts that are toxic to animals when ingested. ) They degrade slowly when exposed to sun and the elements and turn into tiny particulates that are now pervasive in our oceas. Confused fish and birds
see it as food not toxic plastic.
These toxins have now entered into our food chain and are causing health problems in humans as well as ecosystems.
Over 50% of the Marine Mammals rescued by the Marine Mammal Center are directly affected by marine wast. They have either been entagled by nets and other garbage or have ingested this undigestable stuff in their stomaches. Others have developed cancers associated with the toxins in plastices.
Imagine if your food snack choices consisted of plastic milk tops, water bottles, plastic bags, flip flops.
Please consider trying to eliminate single use plastic from your life as much as possible.
Single use Plastic is really an amazing invention. Inexpensive, colorful, lightweight material that can
be fashioned into unlimited shapes and create moving parts. Unfortunately it is very toxic and persistant
in the environment. Less than one percent are biodegradable.
Millions of tons of plastics that have been thrown into the oveans are degrading ( breaking down into tiny parts that are toxic to animals when ingested. ) They degrade slowly when exposed to sun and the elements and turn into tiny particulates that are now pervasive in our oceas. Confused fish and birds
see it as food not toxic plastic.
These toxins have now entered into our food chain and are causing health problems in humans as well as ecosystems.
Over 50% of the Marine Mammals rescued by the Marine Mammal Center are directly affected by marine wast. They have either been entagled by nets and other garbage or have ingested this undigestable stuff in their stomaches. Others have developed cancers associated with the toxins in plastices.
Imagine if your food snack choices consisted of plastic milk tops, water bottles, plastic bags, flip flops.
Please consider trying to eliminate single use plastic from your life as much as possible.